Monday, April 26, 2010

Spit or Swallow?

Spitting is the act of forcibly ejecting saliva or other substances from the mouth. Let’s let this image linger for a minute...Spitting. It is a disgusting habit. It seems to be much more common in America than where I come from in Australia. If my friends, family or a bystander every saw me spit, I would be looked at as if I had just handed them tuberculosis. Because that is what spitting can do, it can rapidly spread disease and infections.

Spitting is seen in many parts of the world as a disrespectful action. It is considered taboo as it transmits disease and illness. Julian Neabauer is a Brazilian exchange student and has seen many people spitting on the streets of Honolulu. Neubauer said, “Spitting is poor behaviour and a poor way of treating the society. I think it is also shows yourself as a person that doesn’t have any manners,” the exchange student added, “It is uncivilised behaviour.”

Another international student Mimi Tian from Denmark believes, “it is literally dirty.” Social attitudes towards spitting has changed extraordinarily since the middle ages. It was once a part of everyday life and was seen as rude to swallow your saliva, although no longer societies believe this in our current day and age. The early 1700’s started the revolution; it was seen as something that need to be hidden, concealed and not for public display. American local, Rei Champion said “I think it is unnecessary and disrespectful.”

During the 1850’s it had developed into one of the most disrespectful actions, spitting on the floor or street had become a habit seen as vulgar. Australian student Ashleigh Hussein was threaten by teachers that she would receive severe consequences if caught spitting. As a child, Hussein’s schooling prohibited the act. “When I see someone spitting, I feel like making them like lick it up,” said Hussein.

Apart from the disrespect and cultural conflict views of the action, spitting is a fast way to spread infections. Through the spread of respiratory droplets people can rapidly transmit illness, such as tuberculosis, influenza and the common cold. Australian tourist Jason Rijnbeek was shocked to see the amount of people walking the streets and spitting, He thinks it is a disgusting habit. “Why not swallow,” said Rijnbeek.


  1. Hocktoo! Spitting is gross, but sometimes when you have nasty mucous in the back of your throat, it doesn't matter where you are-you gotta send it flying.

  2. love is spitting, true love is swallowing, eternal love is gargling.
